The London Fire Brigade have released details of landlords being fined for breaching fire safety legislation. One such property management company recently faced a fine of £40,000.
The following is an extract from the LFB statement;
“There were serious fire safety breaches in this block of flats which resulted in the fire quickly spreading to other parts of the building.
“While London Fire Brigade wants to work with building owners to help them meet their safety responsibilities, where we find breaches of those responsibilities, we will do all we can to ensure the relevant agencies and individuals are prosecuted.”
The Brigade’s fire safety team carried out an inspection of the building following the fire and found a number of serious fire safety failures. Breaches of the RRO included:
Failing to take general fire precautions to ensure the premises is safe
Failing to have a suitable and sufficient fire risk assessment
Failure to monitor and review the preventive and protective measures
The building was not properly equipped with firefighting equipment nor was it correctly maintained
The fire detection system was not properly maintained
An enforcement notice was issued to the leasehold owners of the building and the managing agents for the fire safety failings.”
If you are a landlord and would like to discuss your requirements and whether you adhere to the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. please contact us and we will be more than happy to offer advice and solutions.